WHEN                       BY WHOM                                                                 ACTION

Immediately DKW Employees Provide First Aid and arrange medical treatment
Branch Manager Secure, and do not allow interference with the accident scene (unless to make safe, allow access by emergency services), until advised by the relevant Health & Safety Coordinator / Representative that they may continue.
Onsite Health & Safety Coordinator  / Representative Advise Director /Manager


Within 1 Hour Branch Manager Determine whether accident is a Serious Harm and if so verbally report it to the Health & Safety Coordinator of DKW Personnel Ltd
Onsite Health & Safety Coordinator  / Representative

Advise Onsite Director /Manager, Human Resource, Health and Safety Manager, and DKW Health & Safety Coordinator / Representative.




By end of next day

DKW Health & Safety Coordinator  / Representative  

Ensures that Accident / Incident / Near Miss Report completed by the injured employee (if able) or completes the form on behalf of the injured employee. Assigns investigation responsibilities and assesses rehabilitation requirements.

Note: Employee must attend a formal meeting with DKW to fill out the relevant Near Miss/ Accident investigation/ACC checks


Within 48 Hours Health & Safety Coordinator  / Representative  

Conduct a 48 hr review with injured person (if available, or Branch Manager)


Note: Employee must attend a formal meeting with DKW to fill out the relevant Near Miss/ Accident investigation/ACC checks


Within 7 days Health & Safety Coordinator  / Representative  

Ensure investigation process is completed and forward Accident / Incident / Near Miss Investigation form to Human Resource  (A formal report may be required)

Note: Employee must attend a formal meeting with DKW to fill out the relevant Near Miss/ Accident investigation/ACC checks



Within 14 days Health & Safety Coordinator  / Representative

Holds a brief and conducts review of accident, casual factors and preventative actions.

Note: Employee must attend a formal meeting with DKW to fill out the relevant Near Miss/ Accident investigation/ACC checks